Natasha McGuire Photography

Tower Grove Park is located in the city of St Louis. The address is 4257 Northest Dr, St Louis, MO 63110. I usually park on Main Dr near the Fountain Pond and the stone wall ruins. Tower Grove Park is dog friendly and has 289 acres. The Piper Palm House is a popular location and has lots of beautiful flowers and a lily pond. This park has a farmers market and food truck Fridays. Check the calendar for upcoming events.

Check out these Tower Grove Park Family Photos. Featured below is an extended family session including grandpa and grandma and then a family session that includes their two dogs. I love it when families bring their pets! Please plan for a little extra time when bringing pets, it's so worth it!

I recommend that you visit The Gelateria after your photo shoot! They have gelato, cocktails and lattes! They are also open morning, noon and night! Nice!